Our services
Discover our services. We would like families with whom we share their children’s education to feel like an integral part of the same and we wish to help them in work and family life reconciliation.

Flexible timetable
Different timetable options and prices customised to the needs of each family.

Pre- and After-School care
We offer the possibility of looking after your child between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Healthy Menus
Local ecological food, prepared according to the age and nutritional needs of each child.

All menus are supervised and validated by a nutritionist and adapted to possible intolerances.

We pursue early immersion in foreign languages and offer Catalan, Spanish, English and German.

We hold relaxation sessions, as well as doing breathing exercises and basic yoga postures to enhance emotional well-being.

Casales / Holiday programme
During the holiday period your child can enjoy unique experiences at our facilities.

Parent School
Realizamos charlas gratuitas sobre la primera infancia y la educación infantil que puedan ser de interés para las familias.